FUND “Belarus Together”

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Donation Total: $250.00 Monthly

FUND “Belarus Community Center”  $2,035.00

Goal $500,000.00


of our goal


Days Left



FUND “Community Leaders”  $850.00

Goal $100,000.00


of our goal


Days Left



Who We Are


Interested in connecting with a larger community? We'd love to hear from you! Check out the number of ways to get involved.

Spread the word

Contact us with your genius social media marketing strategy. If we like it, we’ll put you in charge of it.


Nam consequat lacus purus, ac hendrerit ipsum pellentesque ut. Mauris orci ante, sodales ut lorem sed, semper aliquam diam. Suspendisse scelerisque dolor felis, a consequat est eleifend vitae. Aliquam adipiscing, metus sit amet vehicula egestas, justo dolor ultricies mauris, vel porttitor augue nisi vitae metus. Ut et faucibus lorem. Vestibulum sit amet tellus velit.


Aliquam adipiscing, metus sit amet vehicula egestas, justo dolor ultricies mauris, vel porttitor augue nisi vitae metus. Ut et faucibus lorem. Vestibulum sit amet tellus velit. Sed bibendum nulla et ante tincidunt vestibulum. Aenean dapibus malesuada sodales. Vestibulum scelerisque tincidunt condimentum.


Sed bibendum nulla et ante tincidunt vestibulum. Aenean dapibus malesuada sodales. Vestibulum scelerisque tincidunt condimentum.Aliquam adipiscing, metus sit amet vehicula egestas, justo dolor ultricies mauris, vel porttitor augue nisi vitae metus. Ut et faucibus lorem. Vestibulum sit amet tellus velit.

Tell us who you are

    Contact Us

    Be an Ambassador

    Do you want to spearhead initiatives that inspire mass change? Click below to apply to become an ambassador.


    Mauris orci ante, sodales ut lorem sed, semper aliquam diam. Suspendisse scelerisque dolor felis, a consequat est eleifend vitae. Aliquam adipiscing, metus sit amet vehicula egestas, justo dolor ultricies mauris, vel porttitor augue nisi vitae metus. Ut et faucibus lorem. Vestibulum sit amet tellus velit.

      Apply Now

      Host an Event

      We need people! If your up for hosting one of our monthly events in your area, we want to hear from you.


      Mauris orci ante, sodales ut lorem sed, semper aliquam diam. Suspendisse scelerisque dolor felis, a consequat est eleifend vitae. Aliquam adipiscing, metus sit amet vehicula egestas, justo dolor ultricies mauris, vel porttitor augue nisi vitae metus. Ut et faucibus lorem. Vestibulum sit amet tellus velit.

        Apply Now

        Come Work for Us

        Are you a leader who shares our passion for social change? If your up to the challenge, submit your creds below.


        Aliquam adipiscing, metus sit amet vehicula egestas, justo dolor ultricies mauris, vel porttitor augue nisi vitae metus. Ut et faucibus lorem. Vestibulum sit amet tellus velit.


          Submit Your Resume

          Hear Our Stories

          In 2020 with support from our Donors we were be able to help hundreds of people in Belarus by providing them with financial assistance. Some of their stories you can hear on Belarus Together Channel.

          Visit Our Channel

          Be Our Partner

          Nonprofits can, and often do work in coalitions with other organizations. Working in a coalition allows us to have a greater impact and lends credibility to our efforts.

          Join Now

          Impact The World

          We all live in ‘interesting times’ today. It’s hard to recognize the full impact of the indirect benefits that our nonprofit provide to assist people localy and abroad .

          Let's Get Started

          NEWS & EVENTS

          We organize a variety of events to help people learn about and get involved with BELARUS TOGETHER.
          This is where you can find out what’s going on, and sign up!

          Hi Marissa!
          Marissa Swanson
          Hi Dmitry!
          Dmitry Kuznetsov
          Hi Jo!
          Josephine Lorenzen

          FUND “Help Community Members”

          IT’S TIME TO BUILD
          You can have friends and family and still feel deprived of community. Help Community Members by donating today! Be generous and willing to help, all donations go directly to those who is in need the most. Help today while you can, because tomorrow you may be the one who will be looking for help. #HelpOthers #Help #Inspiration #Kindness #Giving #Together

          Contact US

            Your Name*

            Your Email*


            Your Message

            We want to hear from you

            We view ourselves as relational. If you prefer to talk to a real live person, please pick up the phone and give us a call.  +1. (267) 753-0772


            Have any questions?

            Learning more about nonprofit you support will help you feel confident that you are choosing effective organization—and that your support is really making a difference.


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